Guardar como / Save as
Video-installation, 2014
Para “Guardar como” preguntamos a otros artistas que hayan logrado o no vivir del arte cuales fueron o cuáles son sus planes económicos alternativos -planes B-. Las respuestas fueron proyectadas en un estante para poner herramientas, a modo de posibles soluciones económicas a las cuales recurrir mientras la producción artística no lo sea. El estante dividido por secciones, presentó como texto la respuesta de los artistas cambiando constantemente.
In order to build the project “Save As” we recollect among our fellows artists, who were able to make their living or not in the art world, which were their alternative way to do it so; their “Plans B”. The answers to this were projected on a tool’s shelf, like possible solutions to use whenever is necessary when they are not able to make a living from the art they do. This information was presented as text coming out from the different divisions of the shelf, changing all the time the font and the information in it.